Sunday, 13 October 2013

First Week Back

Well here we the last term of the year and the children’s last term of infants! I have heard that the children had a great holiday and thankfully they all came back well and with no broken bones!

Week 1 Maths:
This week we revised and practiced basic addition strategies. I have encouraged the children to practice fast recall of ‘doubles’ (e.g. 4 and 4) up to 15 and 15. Then multiples of ten (e.g. 20 and 20), then they can challenge themselves with trickier ones (e.g. 36 and 36).

Students should understand that ‘double 6’, ‘6 and 6’, ‘6 + 6’ and ‘6 x 2’ is the same. If you happen to be ‘quizzing’ them (I must warn that they may be asking this of you!) it is good to use these terms interchangeably.

Students can use this knowledge or strategy to solve more difficult maths problems.

Students can also use their knowledge of ‘doubles’ to solve ‘near doubles’ (e.g. 6 and 6 is 12, so 6 and 7 is 13).

I have also encouraged the children to practice their recall of pairs of numbers that make 10, 20, up to 100.

Term 4 Homework:
Homework will be the same as it has all year. On Mondays, children will take home their Homework Contract Book with the week’s spelling words, reading books and their yellow Reading Log Book. Students receive one token each time they hand in either their contract or log book. We have some new home readers in our class collection however the children can read books from home or the library if they find these more enjoyable.

The Homework Contract Book and weekly spelling focus will finish before the end of the term (possibly week 6) so I may send home some revision work after that.

Welcome back and please don’t hesitate to contact me this term.

Mrs Veronica Robinson

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