Sunday, 25 August 2013

Week 7 Spelling Focus

Welcome to Week 7!

Our spelling focus this week is: Digraphs 'er' and 'ir'

Core words:
  • her
  • fern
  • girl
  • bird
  • shirt
  • first
  • dirty
  • thirsty
  • person
  • birthday
We wish you a good week and we will see some of you at First Penance on Tuesday evening.

Mrs V Robinson & Mrs L Aguilera

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Book Week - Year 2's Thirroul Library Visit

As part of our Book Week activities this week Year 2 visited Thirroul Library on Tuesday.  We enjoyed listening to many of the books that have been nominated and won prizes this year along with playing games.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Week 6 Spelling and Grammar Focus - Adverbs

Adverbs tell us more about verbs. Adverbs often end in 'ly'. E.g. I walked carefully.

Spelling Rule: 
- If the word ends with a short y, change y to i before you add ly.
- If the word ends with a long y, just add ly.

Core Spelling Words:

We encourage you to point out adverbs when you are talking with your children! :-)

Week 5 Maths Investigations on Mass

Students were very engaged with hands-on investigation with Mass in Week 5! Whilst students are only required to use informal units of measurements (e.g. blocks, counters, pegs) in Year 2, I did encourage students to go home on Friday and ask you if they could heft (I hope they can tell you what hefting is!) a kilo of flour or sugar. Students could find other objects that they think has the mass of about 1 kilo.

Year 2's Class and Personal Goal Setting for Term 3

Our Class Goal for Term 3
This Term Year 2 has set themselves a Spiritual Class Goal.
Each week the class spends 5-10 minutes writing an offering or prayer which they then post in the classes 'offering box' that is kept on our class' prayer space. With this term being a significant one for many of our students making their First Holy Communion we thought that this would be a nice way for them to spend some time personally reflecting each week.
To track that we are completing this class goal, after each reflection time a cross is coloured on a class chart. This is displayed on our 'Steps to Success' board alongside our personal goals display.

Personal Goal Setting
Last week (Week 5) students were asked to set personal goals for themselves, that they will strive to achieve over the remainder of Term 3.
To help 'guide' students in choosing personal goals for themselves, students were given the option of choosing their goal from a 'goal bank'. Options for personal goals were set in the areas of Behaviour or Academic goals.
Students mainly chose one of the four following goals:
~ To strive to hand up Homework each week
~ To strive to complete class tasks, (in a subject identified individually for each student choosing this goal)
~ To strive to learn the names of 2D and 3D shapes
~ To strive to learn to read/write 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 digit numbers (again the specified 'digit' of numbers is identified individually for each student choosing this as their goal).
For the latter two goals students will be given math scaffolds to help them practice these goals at home and in class.

It is important to note for the '3D shape' goal, that there are 3D shapes on the scaffold provided (at least 4) to 'challenge' students and have a bit of fun. It is not an expectation that students know these additional shapes as they are not part of Stage 1 Mathematics content.  Likewise with the digit numbers goal, there are some students taking on the challenge of working beyond Stage 1 content in this area.

Students wrote their chosen goals on a 'gold coin' which was then displayed on our 'Year 2's Pot of Goals Display' as pictured below.

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Week 5

There will be no new spelling words for students to learn this week as we will be revising the words and rules covered over the past few weeks. We recommend that students check whether they have retained knowledge of words from the past 5 lists, or choose 10 or more words from these lists to revise. There will be no spelling quiz on Friday.

Asking for parent helpers for Maths groups please?
This week’s Maths topic is Mass which will involve a lot on hands-on investigation!
On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we are doing Maths Groups to allow this hands-on investigation. It would be ideal for 4 of the ‘stations’ to have an adult (us being 1!) to assist with the questioning and taking turns! Everything is set to go and it is pretty self explanatory. We know you are all very busy but if you could spare an hour on one of the days to help, it would be greatly appreciated! The times we will be doing maths groups on the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are 11:20-12:20.

The Sacrament of Penance Classes:
We will see some of you at the first Penance class on Tuesday at 3:45pm.

Persasive Texts/Expositions:
We have started studying exposition texts in class so watch out for your children being even more persuasive! We apologise in advance if they come home and try to convince you why they do not need a bed time! If you find appropriate persuasive texts in the media, please do read and disciss them with your child.

We are currently doing Dance with Year 1. This covers learning relevant to the Sport and the Creative and Performing Arts curriculum.

Wishing you a great week,
Mrs V Robinson and Mrs L Aguilera

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Could anyone help with book covering?

With the success of the Grandparent Day book sale we have a great number of new books for our school library.  Thank you for your generosity.

With so many great new resources, we are wondering if there would be any parents able to help in covering some books, so that we can get them on the library shelves for borrowing.

If you could help out with covering just 10 books, (contact will be cut out and provided), please let one of us know.  Books will be ready to go out for covering from the 21st August, (from the library).

Your help would be very much appreciated.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Week 4 Term 3 Begins

Spelling Words for Term 3 Week 4

Core Words

Additional Extension Words

Spelling this week
Consonant Clusters:
~ spr
~ scr
~ spl
~ thr
~ shr