Monday, 25 March 2013


Holy Week is the most important week of the Church’s year. It began yesterday with Palm Sunday.
Holy Thursday Liturgy
Stage 1 (Year 1 & 2) are leading a Holy Thursday liturgy on this Wednesday 27th March at 11:30am in the McCarthy Centre. On Holy Thursday we remember that Jesus washed his disciples’ feet as a sign that he came to serve people, not rule them. We also remember Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples – the first celebration of The Holy Eucharist. Many students have a special role in our liturgy and we hope that you can join us.
We would like some children to dress as an apostle. If this is possible, could you please send in an outfit on Wednesday? Ideas include an oversized T-Shirt tied around the middle with a belt, rope or tie, a tea towel laid over the head with a piece of rope, a tie or a headband to hold it in place. We do not need or expect you to go to any greater effort than this.
As much as we love and appreciate parent helpers with reading, because Friday’s assembly is on Thursday morning we will not do reading with parents this Thursday. Also, due to the Good Friday Liturgy being on Thursday at 2:00pm, we will not be able to have our usual Art/Craft lesson. If we can set an alternative time in stone, we will post another blog for any keen parent helpers!
This Week’s Spelling Rule
When adding ing to a word with a short vowel followed by a single consonant, double the consonant before adding ing. (sit – sitting)
Homework Contract Books and Reading Logs are due on Thursday please.

What a big blog tonight!

Cross Country Carnival

Congratulations to all Year 2 students who participated in the Cross Country Carnival on Friday. What a warm day it was! I think we were all quite exhausted by the end of the day!

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Well Done Year 2!

Year 2 did a fantastic job in leading the St Joseph's Liturgy this afternoon.  They all took their roles very seriously and their hard work during rehearsal was obvious in their delivery.  Well Done!!

Other Updates:

Assembly will be on Thursday this week, as the Cross Country is on this Friday morning.

This week their will be no new spelling list. With our excursion, liturgy and Cross Country it will be a busy week.  This week will be 'revision'.  Students may like to look at past lists and revise words that they may have found 'tricky' to spell.  Friday the students will be tested on 10 words chosen at random from past word lists this term.  

A number of parents have expressed difficulties in logging in to Class Dojo. We are looking into why this is happening, and will let you know once we have 'ironed out' this issue.  

Monday, 18 March 2013

Wollongong Botanic Gardens Excursion

Year 2 are to be commended on their behaviour today at the Wollongong Botanic Gardens.  They were excellent ambassadors of St Michael's.  Thank you too, to all the parents who gave up their time to help us today, it was very much appreciated.

Here are some students' highlights of the day:

My favourite part of the day was...

"We got to learn the names of the plants"  Jessica
"When Michael told us we could call all the ground keepers Al"  Alexis
"Seeing the water dragons" Sophie
"Looking at all the cacti" Selina
"Holding the giant poison sting tree leaf on a stick" Zane
"Going on the bush walk"  Zali
"When we got to put the nets in the water"  Zoe S
"Seeing the jungle and my brother"  Jai
"When we went to see the Wet lands and Dry lands"  Deacan

More photos of our excursion will be put on our SMT Year 2, 2013 class site in coming days.

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Term 1, Week 8 Information

As Monday is our excursion to the Wollongong Botanic Gardens, students reading folders and homework will be handed out on Tuesday next week.

The two students that were allocated Monday 18th as their prepared ‘talk’ day, can deliver their talks on another day of their choice next week. 

Tuesday18th March - The St Joseph’s Liturgy, led by Year 2. It will take place in the school hall at 2.30pm.  Year 2 readers keep up the practice each night.

Friday 22nd March – The School Cross Country at Gibson Park.  Students will walk to the park, leaving at 9.30.  They may wear a ‘house’ coloured shirt or school sport shirt.  Students may like to bring an additional water bottle on the day, as Year 2 will be running 800m!!  Year 2 will run after Kindergarten and Year 1.  If your child has asthma, please ensure they have appropriate medication / puffers.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Welcome to Year 2's Class Blog!

The purpose of this blog is to keep you informed of Year 2's learning journey.

Our class blog will replace a weekly class newsletter.

Stay tuned for further posts!

Mrs Aguilera and Mrs Robinson
